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Composition by Thesis, Portfolio, and Music Theory: FLCM, LLCM, ALCM, LMusTCL, AMusTCL

David Leung


Diplomatic Qualifications for Musical Careers



Latest News

2025-2026 Music Theory and Composition (Popular / Serious Music) Courses:

All study units offered are compatible with the new examination syllabus (2025-2026) of Trinity College of Music London (TCL), and London College of Music (West London) (LCM). Students may choose either on-line (zoom/skype) or Face-to-Face study for lessons.

Current Syllabus of Diplomatic Examination:

  • AMusTCL examination
  • LMusTCL examination
  • AMusLCM examination
  • LMusLCM examination
  • Popular Music Theory Grade 8 examination
  • Popular Music Composition and Arrangement
  • Jazz Music Theory and Harmonic Concepts
  • Composing for Film and Moving Images
  • Band Orchestration and Arrangement

Download 2025-2026 study programs of new study units


Announcement from David Music Center :

Our Center offers all preparatory courses/units for different external examinations of Music Theory, Composition, and Musicology from elementary level up to master level, including Grade 8 theory, AMusTCL, LMusTCL, ALCM, and LLCM. Students are trained to accomplish a professional qualification to support their music career.

London College of Music (LCM)
Study units for LCM examination

01.LCM Grade 8 Examination in Composition Courses
• 02.DipMusLCM Comprehensive Course (contact for study details)
03.AMusLCM Comprehensive Course
04.LMusLCM: Paper I Questions Preparation
05.LMusLCM: Paper II Question Preparation
06.LMusLCM Set Piece Study (current syllabus)
07.ALCM in Composition: Portfolio Preparation
08.LLCM in Composition: Portfolio Preparation
09.FLCM in Composition: Portfolio Preparation
10.ALCM by Thesis: Dissertation Preparation
11.LLCM by Thesis: Dissertation Preparation
12.FLCM by Thesis: Dissertation Preparation


Download London College of Music Examinations (LCM)


Trinity College of Music (TCL)
New Courses/Units for New Syllabus from :

  • LMusTCL Preparatory Course Unit (Part B-II): The Development of Orchestra Music and Literature in Historical Context
  • LMusTCL Set Piece Study Unit (Part B-I): Schubert String Quartet D667‘The Trout’/ Richard Strauss ‘The 4 Last Songs’
  • LMusTCL Preparatory Course Unit (Part A-II): The Study of Musical Styles in Various Historical Periods
  • LMusTCL Preparatory Course Unit (Part A-Ia): Writing String Quartet
  • LMusTCL Preparatory Course Unit (Part A Ib): Writing Piano Variations in Romantic Style
  • LMusTCL Preparatory Course Unit (Part A-Ic): Orchestration for Classical Orchestra
    Special Study Program: AMusTCL
  • Comprehensive courses/units for Composition
    Music Composition I (optional): Composing for Pop and Film Music
  • Music Composition II (optional): Stylistic Composition for Art Music
  • Music Composition III (optional): Composing in Contemporary Style
  • Contrapuntal Writing: Strict and Free Counterpoints
  • Study of Instrumentation, Orchestration and Band Scoring
  • LMusTCL Pre-Preparatory Unit: Advance Harmonic Analysis in Tonal Practice
  • Advance Music Analysis: Introduction to Schenkerian Theory
  • Advance Music Analysis: Introduction to Set Theory

David Music Center was established by Mr. David Leung (online author: theorydavid, davidleungtheory, or Leung Sir), introducing courses of music theory and composition for the diplomatic examinations held by ABRSM, Trinity College of Music and London College of Music. Leung Sir offers academic music tuition in the form of small group for different levels of music theory, music literacy or composition, such as ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory, LCM Grade 8 Composition, ALCM, LLCM, FLCM in Composition or by Thesis, AMusLCM, LMusLCM in Music Literacy, as well as AMusTCL, LMusTCL in Music Theory, Film Music Scoring and Analysis, Elementary Harmony, Advance Harmony, Melody Writing, Music Analysis and Interpretation, Pop Song Writing, Music History and Style, Piano Music Study, Form and Structure, Schenkerian Analysis, Tonal Harmony, Set theory, Orchestration, Jazz theory, Strict Counterpoint, as well as Free Counterpoint etc.

Apart from the common Diplomatic Examinations held by Trinity College of London, please let me know if you are also interested in private tuition, two-person learning group, or online study through Zoom or Skype for the examinations held by London College in Thesis or in Composition (such as FLCM, LLCM, ALCM, AMusLCM, as well as Research Paper Tutoring / Editing, and Effective English Writing for normal Graduate Study), or in any level of music examination preparatory study, as well as pre-examination intensive study.


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Let Music Learning Accompany Your Long Life Journey !



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Music and Arts

Enjoy the music from “Music and Arts”. Please select to play your favorite music. You are welcome to download my music from the download page.

Music List to Play

*****Now Playing*****

Kingdom Songs Suite for Erhu, Guzheng and Piano

Violin Sonata in D Major (D大調小提琴奏鳴曲) – midi composition modelling

The Moment for Your Beauty(此刻是妳的醇美) – Saxophone and Ensemble

Pace To Glory (邁向光榮) – Orchestral Overture

Illusion of Moonlight (月之幻象) – Electronic Music

Lonely Windy Bell (孤獨的風鈴) – Electronic Music

Swordman’s Tenderness (劍心的恰似温柔) – midi arrangement exercise

故居(二人世界) – midi rearrangement

Wedding Music Arrangement – midi arrangement exercise

Enlightenment (悟) for Violin and Orchestra

Refined Wisdom (靈智) – Oboe and String Trio (New Generation 2001 Champion)

Silk Road Fantasie (絲路幻想曲) for Violin and Piano

Conversion (滙變) for Pipa, Erhu and Woodwind Ensemble (Commission 2002)

Dream Chasing (逐夢) for Violin Clarinet and Piano

The Night: Piano Cycle — 一夜之間 (鋼琴組曲)

Chilly Reminiscence(寒夜寄懷) for Tenor and Flute

月夜(唐宋詩詞組曲) – 女高音獨唱

荷葉(唐宋詩詞組曲) – 女高音獨唱

渭城朝雨(唐宋詩詞組曲) – 男高音獨唱

合唱團團歌 – 媽咩咪魔毛完全版

Violin Sonata in D Major:
Modelling Classical Style Exercise

Enjoy the recent video from “Music and Arts”.

Title: midi orchestration demo – Swordman’s Tenderness

Hot Music Theory Courses:


AMusTCL Elementary Music Theory Diploma Course.: The course exam workshop not only prepares students to participate in Trinity Guildhall – AMusTCL primary professional diploma in music theory but also provides music theroy knowledge (similar to the first year degree level) to students to help them mastering various styles of harmony, melody writing, analysis and interpretation, ….


LMusTCL Advanced Music Theory Diploma Course: LMusTCL Advanced Music Theory Course is to prepare students for Trinity Guildhall – LMusTCL advanced music theory exam. Course is divided into eight units, with different subjects in each unit. It will be started one by one. Students are suggested to complete all these eight units before the exam. Each unit of the course …

Latest Music Theory Courses available:


  • FLCM Composition by Thesis
  • FLCM Composition by Portfolio
  • LLCM Composition by Thesis
  • LLCM Composition by Portfolio
  • LMusTCL Music Theory Course
  • LMusLCM Music Theory Course
  • AMusTCL Music Theory
  • AMusLCM Music Theory
  • LCM Graded Examination
  • ABRSM Music Theory Study
  • Summer Music Intensive Study